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The Litestep Site for News, Modules, Sources, and all the other stuff around Litestep. -> Forums -> Modules -> xLabel-3.2 !LabelRefresh issues.
xLabel-3.2 !LabelRefresh issues.
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Thread: xLabel-3.2 !LabelRefresh issues.
             Fri Oct 15 2004, 02:46PM

Registered Member #22
Joined Thu May 06 2004, 08:32AM
posts 63
I'm not sure exactly what the problem is but I'm having some difficulties with !LabelRefresh.

I have this script which gets executed when I rightclick a label (using bangVWM to make a typical VWM)... and it works perfectly, without a hitch.

*script bang !SetVWMOne

*script exec !labelrefresh VWMOne VWMOneImage vwm_left_act.png
*script exec !LabelRefresh VWMTwo VWMTwoImage vwm_mid.png
*script exec !LabelRefresh VWMThree VWMThreeImage vwm_mid.png
*script exec !LabelRefresh VWMFour VWMFourImage vwm_right.png

*script exec !labelrefresh VWMOne VWMOneHoverImage vwm_left_actsel.png
*script exec !LabelRefresh VWMTwo VWMTwoHoverImage vwm_mid_sel.png
*script exec !LabelRefresh VWMThree VWMThreeHoverImage vwm_mid_sel.png
*script exec !LabelRefresh VWMFour VWMFourHoverImage vwm_right_sel.png

*script exec !bVWMSwitchTo 0

*script exec !varSet ActiveVWM 1

*script ~bang

But I have this script to update my Foobar2000 info, but it won't refresh. I call the !Reload bang so that it rereads the file I have Foobar exporting with all the evars you can squeeze out of it (check mojomonkee's site for details on how this is done). I know for a fact that these evars are being exported and being read properly by litestep because I can !Alert them and they show up properly. I also know that the !Amp_Update bang is being executed when it should be since I added that !msgbox command in there.

I just can't figure out why !LabelRefresh won't work. I tried calling it ass "!LabelRefresh AmpReadout AmpReadoutText $TITLE$" but that didn't work either.

Any thoughts?>

*script bang !Amp_Update
*script exec !msgbox Amp_Update
*script exec !Reload
*script exec !LabelRefresh AmpReadout
*script ~bang
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Thread: xLabel-3.2 !LabelRefresh issues.
             Fri Oct 15 2004, 04:10PM

Registered Member #26
Joined: Fri May 14 2004, 05:32AM
posts 123
You may have to use !ParseEvars, or even reload xLabel. What info does it use that jamptoo and xlabel will not give (using foo_winamp_spam)?
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Thread: xLabel-3.2 !LabelRefresh issues.
             Sat Oct 16 2004, 12:10AM

Registered Member #22
Joined: Thu May 06 2004, 08:32AM
posts 63
Well I'm using a foobar component (module) which writes a text file. I have it exporting all the pertenant info about the currently playing song, the file is foobar.rc located in my personal dir. I include it in theme.rc, and then all the info is loaded in as evars. I call !Reload to reread this file, and then !LabelRefresh to make the Label reread the evars.
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Thread: xLabel-3.2 !LabelRefresh issues.
             Sat Oct 16 2004, 03:13AM
Registered Member #7
Joined: Fri Apr 30 2004, 04:35AM
posts 41
I guess you'd better use labetext "[line('file', number)]"
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Thread: xLabel-3.2 !LabelRefresh issues.
             Sat Oct 16 2004, 03:13AM
Registered Member #7
Joined: Fri Apr 30 2004, 04:35AM
posts 41
I guess you'd better use labetext "[line('file', number)]"
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Thread: xLabel-3.2 !LabelRefresh issues.
             Sat Oct 16 2004, 08:11AM

Registered Member #22
Joined: Thu May 06 2004, 08:32AM
posts 63
I don't see how that would be any different, since it would still require a !LabelRefresh. The evar works fine, the bang works fine, the bang gets executed exactly when it should. The only thing that doesn't work is the !LabelRefresh.

The label displays the song info perfectly, once. The problem is it doesn't change when the song changes.

If I recycle litestep then the label will contain the new song info, but that's hardly functional
[ Edited Sat Oct 16 2004, 08:13AM ]
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Thread: xLabel-3.2 !LabelRefresh issues.
             Sat Oct 16 2004, 01:01PM

Registered Member #89
Joined: Sat Jul 31 2004, 07:22PM
posts 13
You tried with a *netreloadmodule for xlabel
Euh, how do you make your label know that the song has changed?
For it is there that you must tell him to re-read the evar?
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Thread: xLabel-3.2 !LabelRefresh issues.
             Sat Oct 16 2004, 10:54PM

Registered Member #22
Joined: Thu May 06 2004, 08:32AM
posts 63
I have a seperate label which is set to the FOOBAR2000_CLASS or whatever (I use the emulation component, so I don't have to set it to the reg-address or whatever)

Then I set that label to execute the bang to update the other label OnTextChange. I know that the bang is being executed at the right time because when I add a !msgbox line into the script then it gets executed whenever the song changes.
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Thread: xLabel-3.2 !LabelRefresh issues.
             Wed Oct 20 2004, 08:45PM

Registered Member #22
Joined: Thu May 06 2004, 08:32AM
posts 63
I'm topping this because I abandoned trying to do what I originally posted about, but I've run into this problem trying to do something else!

*script bang !SwitchCmdMode

*script gotoif ("%{CmdMode}" = "amp") CpuMode

*script gotoif ("%{CmdMode}" = "cpu") AmpMode

*script label CpuMode
*script exec !LabelRefresh cmd cmdText "[cpu] - [memAvailable(MB)]"
*script exec !varSet CmdMode "cpu"
*script exit

*script label AmpMode
*script exec !LabelRefresh cmd cmdText "[winamptitle]"
*script exec !varSet CmdMode "amp"
*script exit

*script ~bang

I know that the script works (if I throw in !msgbox lines they get executed), only thing that doesn't work is the label changing text!

This is really frustrating me now.

I'm using xLabelLight-3.2.6 (but originally encountered this problem in xLabel-3.2).

Could someone maybe just try what I'm trying to do and tell me if it works for them? That way at least I know I'm the problem
[ Edited Wed Oct 20 2004, 08:46PM ]
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Thread: xLabel-3.2 !LabelRefresh issues.
             Wed Oct 20 2004, 08:59PM
Registered Member #7
Joined: Fri Apr 30 2004, 04:35AM
posts 41
When there are !bangs, use !bangs
!labelsettext mylabel "text"

instead of
!labelrefresh mylabel mylabeltext "text"

And I tell it again: using !labelsettext mylabel "[line('file',line-begin,line-end)]" you're foobar's difficulties should go away
[ Edited Wed Oct 20 2004, 09:04PM ]
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Thread: xLabel-3.2 !LabelRefresh issues.
             Thu Oct 21 2004, 04:08AM

Registered Member #22
Joined: Thu May 06 2004, 08:32AM
posts 63
Thanks Smurth, I don't know why I didn't see that earlier.
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   on 07 Nov : 17:35
chatbox looks very cool, very nicely done!

   on 07 Nov : 15:27
ok, to all xLabel Desktop users, if you want to enable the desktop funtion, you need to set "xLabelUsexDesktop"!
!! else it couldn't work. sorry for forgetting to mention it in the readme *g* next time it will be in there

   on 02 Nov : 19:54
hehe doin my best

   on 01 Nov : 18:54

You guys never fail to entertain

   on 01 Nov : 15:47
oh.. sorry to those 2 online ppl, Just fucked up the site for a short mement

   on 01 Nov : 06:00
xPopup 1.0.8 ROCKS!

Juan Guillermo
   on 31 Oct : 23:46
Thanks a lot for your GREAT work guis , xmodules are transforming the Litestep shell in a much more fancy/varsatile thing.

   on 30 Oct : 16:44

   on 29 Oct : 00:54
>Andymon - woot!
>GothsSecret - If necessary, you could probably reduce the gaps between the center and the sides, for those with lower resolutions (not me, I'm at 1280x1024!).

   on 28 Oct : 13:02
Just wanna tell:
HighColor(16bit) is coming for all xModules in the near future, finally.

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