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photofx on 21 Sep : 18:32
that's something that i'm hoping all modules wil[more]

photofx on 21 Sep : 18:24
actually i belive i have truetransparency set (win[more]

Andymon on 21 Sep : 13:12
Maybe some solutions:
1. The Entrys suppo[more]

Andymon on 21 Sep : 13:07
No known systray module can use AlphaMap, but you [more]

Wolzly on 21 Sep : 08:57
Okay I don't even know if I'm using the right term[more]

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Xpopup and Graphics

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Thread: Xpopup and Graphics
             Wed Aug 11 2004, 02:01AM
Registered Member #96
Joined Tue Aug 10 2004, 11:40PM
posts 2
I looked around on the board and couldn't find this issue, so I hope I'm not addressing something that's been dealt with already

I'm using xpopup-0.7 and there seems to be an issue with xPopupEntryImage (and all the other xPopup...Image except for xPopupImage) exhibiting strange graphical artifacts. The artifacts show up as mis-colored pixels or lines when a gradient is rendered.

Best way to recreate this is to create a graded image, grayscale or black to white for the most obvious effect, and use that image as the xPopupEntryImage. In all my test cases I get lines of mis-colored pixels where the gradient should be smooth.

If I use that image in the xPopupImage attribute, it scales and renders without any issue, problems only show up when it is used as an entry/folder/separator/etc image.

I have tried this action with the picture saves as both .png and .bmp files.

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Thread: Xpopup and Graphics
             Wed Aug 11 2004, 09:21PM

posts 49
ok, your right but don't worry, it's allready fixed and will be out soon

--:: What is not dead which can eternal lie, yet with strange eaons, even death may die ::--
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Thread: Xpopup and Graphics
             Wed Aug 11 2004, 09:34PM
Registered Member #96
Joined: Tue Aug 10 2004, 11:40PM
posts 2
Sweet! I'm really enjoying this module... so many cool features.

Right now I'm just updating one of my themes from popup2, but I'm going to play around with it and see if I can't get any inspiration.
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