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Chipmunkguy on 08 Nov : 19:49
Experiencing the same problem.[more]

Niza on 08 Nov : 19:19
xLabel works fine as long as I[more]

tksh on 08 Nov : 19:13

I was w[more]

Wolzly on 08 Nov : 15:11
I'm sorry Andymon I don't know[more]

dac on 08 Nov : 14:27
I'm not sure I understood yo[more]

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xLabel(Light)-3.1.2 and Rainmeter-0.12 Released!!
Posted on Friday 13 August 2004 - 21:41:57 by GothsSecret
Grab xLabel-3.1.2 here

Grab xLabelLight-3.1.2 here

Grab Rainmeter-0.12 here


xLabel-3.1.2 Released on 13-08-2004, Changes by Andymon

Info: With the conditional Esacape Sequence [fileexist('filepath')] you can check
also for valid Folders or existing Drives.
Just use Wildcards. Example to test for a HardDisk f:

- Added: PerPixel AlphaMap Images supports now Saturation and Hueing
- Added: Conditional Evaluation for Text Escape Sequences:

[ifeval('value1','=','value2')]Processed if "value1 == value2"[endif]
[ifeval('value1','<>','value2')]Processed if "value1 != value2"[endif]
These two work as a lowercase string comparison (Equal or Not Equal!).

[ifeval('value1','<','value2')]Processed if "value1 < value2"[endif]
[ifeval('value1','<=','value2')]Processed if "value1 <= value2"[endif]
[ifeval('value1','>','value2')]Processed if "value1 > value2"[endif]
[ifeval('value1','>=','value2')]Processed if "value1 >= value2"[endif]
These work as a INT evaluation, therefore value1 and value2 should be numbers!

Same works with:
[elseifeval('value1','=','value2')]Processed if "value1 == value2"[endif]

[ifeval('$resolutionx$','>=','1152')]You have a good resolution![else]Hmm[endif]
[ifeval(winampremaintime('sec'),'<=','15')]Song is soon over![else][winampsong][endif]
- Added: !ParseEvars can now Parse Text Escape Sequences in the current Bang, with "%[escape sequence]%"!
Displays a MessageBox with the Current Time.
!ParseEvars !alert "Current Time: %[time]%"

Positions a "winamplabel" across the screen based on elapsed time.
!ParseEvars !labelmove winamplabel 10 %#%[winampremaintime('sec')]%/%[winamptotaltime('sec')]%*resolutiony%#
- Added: This last example sadly doesn't work in a mzscript because %# is processed by mzscript before !ParseEvars,
so you get an Error Message about not defined Evars
Therefore now "%|#" will be also converted in "$", which will not be modified by mzscript.

In mzscript you must write for the Example:
*script exec !ParseEvars !labelmove winamplabel 10 %|#%[winampremaintime('sec')]%/%[winamptotaltime('sec')]%*resolutiony%|#
- Changed: Moving + SnapTo:
Visually Enhanced SnapTo, no longer shaking and need to "torn away" from Snapped Position
- Changed: xLabelDesktop:
Colorized DesktopIcons can now have any size, not only 32x32
- Changed: (label-name)Scroll cannot be changed with !labelrefresh anymore, use !LabelScroll
- Fixed: AllLabelsScroll was broken, when used without direction modifier
- Fixed: AllLabelsSCROLL and (Labelgroup)SCROLL had overridden specific Scroll settings.
- Fixed: Some rather seldom incorrect interactions of Default Values (see also Scroll).

Rainmeter-0.12 by Rainy

- Fixed !RainmeterLsBoxHook.
- Position changing from the menu works a bit better now.
- Mouse over actions didn't work unless the window was set to draggable. Fixed.
- Added automatic update checking (it can be enabled from the about dialog).
- Sending bangs to deactivated config shouldn't crash Rainmeter anymore.
- Fixed a typo: ValueReminder -> ValueRemainder (the old one works still too)
- Added LineStart to the roundline-meter.


   on 08 Nov : 21:42
Goths: you are testing with the real site-code again?

   on 07 Nov : 17:35
chatbox looks very cool, very nicely done!

   on 07 Nov : 15:27
ok, to all xLabel Desktop users, if you want to enable the desktop funtion, you need to set "xLabelUsexDesktop"!
!! else it couldn't work. sorry for forgetting to mention it in the readme *g* next time it will be in there

   on 02 Nov : 19:54
hehe doin my best

   on 01 Nov : 18:54

You guys never fail to entertain

   on 01 Nov : 15:47
oh.. sorry to those 2 online ppl, Just fucked up the site for a short mement

   on 01 Nov : 06:00
xPopup 1.0.8 ROCKS!

Juan Guillermo
   on 31 Oct : 23:46
Thanks a lot for your GREAT work guis , xmodules are transforming the Litestep shell in a much more fancy/varsatile thing.

   on 30 Oct : 16:44

   on 29 Oct : 00:54
>Andymon - woot!
>GothsSecret - If necessary, you could probably reduce the gaps between the center and the sides, for those with lower resolutions (not me, I'm at 1280x1024!).

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