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Wolzly on 08 Nov : 06:52
When using the snapto feature [more]

Anonymous on 08 Nov : 05:50
kri0ni wrote: ...still havi[more]

Wolzly on 07 Nov : 23:35
Thanks Andymon.

dac on 07 Nov : 20:56
That previous post was min[more]

Anonymous on 07 Nov : 20:54
Thx for the xtextedit fix. It [more]

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xLabel-3.0 and xLabelLight-3.0 Final are Released!!!!!!
Posted on Tuesday 25 May 2004 - 17:24:16 by GothsSecret
now it's time to present the Final version of xLabel and xLabelLight.

Just some major enhancements to mention:
No more plugins (AllInOne, change NetLoadLine!!!)
Better customizable Desktop
href Text links
Sound Playing capabilities
and much much more and better

Grab xLabel-3.0
Grab xlabellight-3.0

Have fun

xLabel-3.0 Changes since xLabel-3.0-RC3:
- Added: Windows XP ONLY: DropShadow for "Normal" Labels
Attention: Either it's on or not, you can only change it by destroying,
removing the setting and recreating the label!

- Added: Label support now "Real Negative Coordinates"
testlabelx ~5 is now 5 Pixel LEFT from the LEFT SIDE
testlabelx -5 is now 5 Pixel LEFT from the RIGHT SIDE

- Added: New LINK Syntax:
"action" can be: - Any LS Bang (quoted with ' ' !!)
- Any HyperLink with Preceding "http:" (quoted with ' ' !!)
- Anything else works also (quoted with ' ' !!),
as long it works with LSExecute in general!

- Added: (label-name)HREFHoverConfig ("precfg;postcfg")
Sets the Text Style, if mouse hovers over a Link (Default: Nothing Changes except Cursor)

- Added: xLabelDesktop:
If set, Hovering a DesktopIcon gives active state (visually).

- Added: xLabelDesktop:
If set to FALSE the DesktopIcons are fixed. Default: TRUE
But if you didn't set .move for one MouseButton you have the same effect!

- Added: xLabelDesktop:
xLabelDesktopOnLeftClick (action) <- Default: .move
xLabelDesktopOnMiddleClick (action) <- Default: .properties
xLabelDesktopOnRightClick (action) <- Default: .context

-> Action can be: .open -> To Execute File
.move -> To Move with That MouseButton
.context -> To Open ContextMenu
.properties -> To Open Properties
.none -> To Deactivate

xLabelDesktopOnLeftDoubleClick (action) <- Default: .open
xLabelDesktopOnMiddleDoubleClick (action) <- Default: .none
xLabelDesktopOnRightDoubleClick (action) <- Default: .none

-> Action can be: .open -> To Execute File
.none -> To Deactivate

- Added: [volume] Shows the Main Channel Volume in %

- Added: [winampartist] and [winamptitle] Shows the ... you know

- Added: [winamprepeat] and [winampshuffle], as Bool Values for [if(winamprepeat)]..[endif]

- Added: Bang: !LabelRepositionBy (label-name) (x) (y) (width) (height)
Reposition relative to current pos and size.

- ReAdded: (label-name)OverblendStyles
Attention: Works NOT with TRUE TRANSPARENCY (looks ugly) only with "fake" or "false"

- Changed: !Labelmzscriptvarcopy has been removed and
!LabelInfoExport has been added!
2 Methods possible:
1. Modified Old Style
!LabelInfoExport pt var or $Evar$>
2. New Style
!LabelInfoExport pt var or $Evar$>
If you specify an %#Evar%# (WITH SURROUNDING "%#") the processed Text Escape Sequence
or LabelText is copied in this Evar. If no surrounding "%#" is found the value is copied
in a mzscript variable with the given name

- Changed: (label-name)SolidPaintingBevelSize -> Default Value is now 0!

- Fixed: Shortcut Emulation: Chrash when AlphaMap Flag "a" was used

- Fixed: Shortcut Emulation: Saving Flag "s" was broken
Hey, has anybody noticed that xLabel can save the new position, if moved, automatically! :0

- Fixed: Shortcut Emulation: Hooking was broken
Just to remember: !labellsboxhook "caption" x y normal hover pressed #(group)flags sound sound [action(s)]

- Fixed: DesktopIconText AutoLineBreak was broken

- Fixed: !setevar "lost" Quotes on Value -> Some kinds of !Labelrefesh were broken, because of this

- Fixed: LSBox Bug with previous RC Versions

- Fixed: Hopefully, ALL AlphaFade Flickering and other issues. ( Should work to 100% now =) )

- Fixed: Some kind of bugs with SolidPaintingColors.

- Fixed: [if(winamppaused)]...[endif] was broken

- Fixed: !LabelCreate hadn't properly hooked, shown, ...

- Fixed: (label-name)SnapTo didn't snap to single name defined labels

- Fixed: Remaining PressedImage, when label is leaved with pressed mousebutton.

- Fixed: Proper Repainting of ParentWindow (at least xLabel itself), if xLabel Animations are used
with hooked labels.

- Fixed: Reposition and Resize Animations didn't update Magic Pink Region during Animation

- Fixed: Typo, (label-name)FrameLoops and (label-name)HoverFrameLoops were broken since
dawn of time.

xLabelLight-3.0 Changes:
Too many changes since 2.9, so read the changes offline!!!!


   on 07 Nov : 17:35
chatbox looks very cool, very nicely done!

   on 07 Nov : 15:27
ok, to all xLabel Desktop users, if you want to enable the desktop funtion, you need to set "xLabelUsexDesktop"!
!! else it couldn't work. sorry for forgetting to mention it in the readme *g* next time it will be in there

   on 02 Nov : 19:54
hehe doin my best

   on 01 Nov : 18:54

You guys never fail to entertain

   on 01 Nov : 15:47
oh.. sorry to those 2 online ppl, Just fucked up the site for a short mement

   on 01 Nov : 06:00
xPopup 1.0.8 ROCKS!

Juan Guillermo
   on 31 Oct : 23:46
Thanks a lot for your GREAT work guis , xmodules are transforming the Litestep shell in a much more fancy/varsatile thing.

   on 30 Oct : 16:44

   on 29 Oct : 00:54
>Andymon - woot!
>GothsSecret - If necessary, you could probably reduce the gaps between the center and the sides, for those with lower resolutions (not me, I'm at 1280x1024!).

   on 28 Oct : 13:02
Just wanna tell:
HighColor(16bit) is coming for all xModules in the near future, finally.

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