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Anonymous on 06 Jun : 21:23
LoadInBox BOOL
To hook the taskbar (simply [more ...]

GothsSecret on 06 Jun : 20:27

THC4k on 06 Jun : 19:39
I cant get those to work together. I had everythin[more ...]

Cerbie on 04 Jun : 10:18
If it isn't currently possible, it'd be a great fe[more ...]

Smurth on 04 Jun : 09:11
There was of way with skinbox since the hook comma[more ...]

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Wazup-1.35 and xLabel-3.0-rc3 are Released!
Posted on Tuesday 11 May 2004 - 13:41:41 by GothsSecret
Grab Wazup-1.35 here

Grab xLabel-3.0-rc3 here

Wazup Changes:
Fixed: temporary files didn't removed
Silent option added
{%dollar} escape-sequence added

xLabel Changes:
- Added: (label-name)OnLeftClickDown
- Added: (label-name)OnMiddleClickDown
- Added: (label-name)OnRightClickDown
- Added: (label-name)OnLeftClickUp
Same as (label-name)OnLeftClick, means old style is still working!
- Added: (label-name)OnMiddleClickUp
Same as (label-name)OnLeftClick, means old style is still working!
- Added: (label-name)OnRightClickUp
Same as (label-name)OnLeftClick, means old style is still working!
- Added: [cpuinfo] Shows autoformatted multiline detailed CPU informations.
But you can also get single informations:
[cpuinfo('typeid')] only number
[cpuinfo('familyid')] only number
[cpuinfo('modelid')] only number
[cpuinfo('steppingcode')] only number
- Added: [cpuspeed] Shows CPU Speed, "2400 MHz" for instance.
- Changed: [winamptime], [winampremaintime] and [winamptotaltime] no longer support a
Default value (Default is now again nothing "" !)
Instead of this you can now specify
[winamptime('sec')], [winampremaintime('sec')] or [winamptotaltime('sec')]
and get the time only in seconds, not in min:sec!
- Removed: Support for Winamp3! I think everyone uses either 2.9x series or the new 5er series.
- Fixed: Typo, therefore (label-name)SolidPaintingBevelSize was broken
- Fixed: DesktopIcons were broken! Exception during StartUp!!
- Fixed: Scrolling was broken (I kept the old code and changed to new call, this cannot work!)
Multiline Scrolling i now correct for ONLY left and right aligned text (NO MIXING)
(center is converted to left!)
- Fixed: Vertical Text Alignment wasn't working to 100%
- Fixed: AutoHeightMode wasn't working
- Fixed: Typo, therefore (label-name)AutoLineBreak was broken
- Fixed: SolidPaintingColors hadn't accepted Pure Black BGColor
- Fixed: Single '\' (without following 'n') are kept in LabelText, before they were parsed out!
- Changed: xLabelConfig Tool is now named xModuleCFG.
- Fixed: xModuleCFG bugs
- Added: All new features of xLabel-3.0-rc3


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